Our makeup tutorial videos reflect the largest variety of makeup styles and looks taught in our hair and makeup courses compared to any other asian bridal training academy. The videos are aimed at brides from all nationalities including Asian, Indian and European. The videos show Nayyar applying makeup from start to finish so that the difference can be clearly seen. It is much more preferable to judge a makeup artist’s work by watching their videos as opposed to looking at pictures of their clients, as invariably almost all pictures these days are edited to make them look better than they actually are.
Our makeup videos show bold and subtle makeup to traditional and contemporary. Makeup is applied on various models of different face and eye shapes as well as different skin tones and skin types.
You may also wish to see our range of asian bridal hairstyles and russian bridal hairstyles taught in our courses.
Our full range of makeup videos can be seen by visiting our YouTube channel.
For our full range of makeup videos please click to visit our YouTube channel.